FSS Summer School: Sourcing Sales Enablement Solutions 101
FSS Summer School: Sourcing Sales Enablement Solutions 101
School is not out for summer! But don’t worry, in Part 2 of our series with Brian and the team at 5600blue, we are giving you a study guide that will make sure everyone is going to ace the class.
In our always-on, always-connected, digital world it is increasingly simple to source solutions from a global marketplace. This is good news and bad news, while competition is good for things like innovation and pricing, a larger pool of options often means more complexity when understanding:
How do you select the right option for your business and your business objectives?
This is very apparent in the emerging function of sales enablement that we talked about in our podcast. There are a growing number of tools, services, solutions and consultants ready to help you.
To feel confident, organizations should re-examine how they sources solutions, including sales enablement. To share industry best practices, Brian and team put together a guide that we think you will find helpful: Sourcing Sales Enablement Solutions: An Organizational Guide To Holistically Support Sales & Drive Organic Growth.”
CTA: Be sure to visit the 5600blue blog here. and download the sourcing guide, and be sure to let us know what you think.