In Sailing, Sales and Life: We Believe in Humans
Marco Trombetti, the creative, fun, passionate, successful CEO of Translated has embarked on a project that reflects his vision to embrace the spirit of humans in an epic adventure. Marco and his wife Isabelle are the co-Founders of Translated, a language services company that has harnessed the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to break down the barriers in language and elevate human communication and effectiveness. We have been training their Global Sales team since February of 2020.
In 2023, Translated will compete in the Global Ocean Race, a sailing challenge that will circumnavigate the world in a 4-leg journey without the assistance of high technology navigation. Another stipulation of the race is that 7 amateurs must be on the crew of 10 at all times, working alongside 3 sailing professionals. Marco invited my wife Septembre and me to join their crew in a practice run out on San Francisco Bay last weekend.
Paul Cayard is the Captain of Translated9; Paul is one of the most successful sailors on the planet. As we set the sails and cruised into the bay, under the Golden Gate Bridge towards the ocean, I spoke with both Marco and Paul. Paul talked about the skills sailors need, Leadership on board, innumerable variables to manage, and the process followed to run a global ocean race.
Marco shared the vision of Translated’s services, the content and tools that they have developed, and the importance of engagement and connection with customers. The latter part reflects the company’s motto and the upcoming voyage-We Believe In Humans, as painted on the side of the boat. The race is emblematic of the team’s work, embracing technology and tools, but ultimately relying on the talented people in the company.
The experience on Translated9 was electrifying, being on a beautiful craft managed by a highly capable team ripping across the water. I sense that this race in 2023 will be monumental for the Translated team, focusing on the belief in one another as much as the finish line.